
Bachelor of Arts in Exercise and Sports Sciences at Carthage College

Career/Athletic Achievements

High School Sports Coach (Swimming & Diving Boys/Girls, Track and Field Girls)
College Soccer Player at Carthage College


National Strength and Conditioning Association-Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
Red Cross-Lifeguarding with CPR/AED for Professional Rescuers and First Aid


Athletes (Recreational to Competitive levels)
Beginner Adult & Youth Physical Training
Flexibility Training
Strength Training
Track & Field (Skilled Events and Running Events)


I enjoy staying physically active and doing a variety of activism with Family and Friends.
Some Things I enjoy are Soccer, Hiking, Skiing/Snowboarding, Lifting, Swimming, Paddle Boarding, Kayaking, Biking and Running.

I also enjoying going out to eat and checking out different restaurants, breweries, and distilleries.

Most of my close relatives live near me and I see them quite regularly to spend time together.


I believe that everyone should be able to continue on & grow with all the activities they enjoy throughout their life!

My aim is to support everyone’s progress as they continually work toward their goals and aspirations.
I also really enjoy having the opportunity to help people in a variety of areas utilizing different skill sets, methods, and training styles.