
B.S. Kinesiology w/ emphasis on Exercise and Fitness – University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Associate of Science Occupational Therapy Assistant – Milwaukee Area Technical College

Career/Athletic Achievements

Interned at Froedtert & The Medical College of Wisconsin- Sports Medicine Clinic, with the Performance Enhancement Program (PEP)
Rock N Sole Half Marathon Finisher 2016


American College of Sports Medicine
Certified Personal Trainer (ASCM-CPT)
CrossFit- Level 1 Coach (CF-L1)
Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA)
USA Weightlifting- Level 1 Weightlifting Coach
Rock Tape- FMT Basic
PR/AED Certified
First Aid Certified


Functional Training
Strength training
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
Injury Prevention


Lifting, traveling, sports, plant based cooking, telling jokes, spending time with family and friends, card games, being outside and spending time with my dog.


I believe that there is a perfect type of exercise for everyone. Whether it is taking a walk, going for a run or swimming in a pool, these activities can positively influence someone’s health, even if they have been sedentary for most of their life.
Two things that I believe are key to reaching an adequate amount of exercise are persistence and hard work. I want to help clients figure out what type of activity they enjoy and teach them how to remain motivated and engaged to be healthier. Instead of being on the sidelines, I want to inspire people to take control of their lives by making positive changes and experiencing all the good activity can bring.