Abdul Muneeruddin

Certified Nutrition Coach, Expert Trainer

Phone: 414.228.2800

Email: [email protected]

Career/Athletic Achievements

Coaching for 5 years
Powerlifting for 3 (current state record holder for the 60kg class)


National Academy of Sports Medicine – CPT
Precision Nutrition Lv 1 – CNC
CPR & AED Certified


Weight loss, muscle gain, strength, conditioning, powerlifting, body building, nutrition, injury prevention, injury rehab, general health and wellness, getting stronger for sport specific drills and movements


Lifting, competing in powerlifting, gaming, hiking, spending time with my pup Aven, learning more about exercise science and nutrition


My philosophy is helping people become the best version of themselves mentally, physically in and outside of the gym.
There’s hundreds of motivational quotes. But one saying that has always stuck out to me was “Lift heavy, pet dogs, be kind”.

Lift heavy, pet dogs, be kind.
Abdul Muneeruddin