Stacy Brellenthin

Certified Nutrition Coach (Remote), Expert Trainer

Phone: 414-748-1300

Email: [email protected]

Career/Athletic Achievements

I was a competitive swimmer during high school. I have run 4 half marathons and many other shorter races. Since then my athletic goals have switched to my love of weight lifting and competitive bodybuilding. I have done 5 shows, and continue to improve on my physique as well as make sure my body is healthy internally as I get older.


ACE Certified Personal Trainer
ACE Certified Fitness Nutritional Specialist
NASM Weight Loss Specialist


I am a Virtual Online Trainer and specialize in PIVOT Programs
Weight Loss
Total Body Conditioning
Mind/Muscle Connection
Beginner Strength
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)


Bodybuilding! Yes I love to lift weights it is a hobby that I make sure I get into my days no matter what. I am a huge computer nerd, and I love video games and stream them live online when I play!


You must love yourself before you can love others, take pride in yourself and others will do the same. Believe in yourself and you can accomplish anything!